Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I just went through a whole pile of pictures that Dad copied onto my computer when they were here, of all their travels and things since I last saw them. So not only am I feeling quite homesick, now I need a gajillion dollars to travel with (and never work unless it's for fun!) I also rediscovered some pics of when I first came to YK, I had such a blast that summer, so that reminded me of why I love it here too. What do you do if there's more than one place that you love, I want to live in all of them!

Anyway, I just picked two pictures from when they went to Namibia, I think in 2004. The donkey cart one makes me laugh!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Okay okay...

I guess that last post was going the same way as the curling stone, sorry! Besides, it doesn't feel like more than a few days have gone by since I did that one.

For those of you that didn't already look, I added links to two blogs by my Japan sister, one of which features my new brother-in-law, and other is written by her and a friend. Jessica's blog is by my friend from school in South Africa.

There's actually not much to really say though, which is probably why I haven't put anything new on. It's a bit strange to not have anything I'm supposed to be studying for, my instructor rating is done, and I did my flight attendant renewal training the weekend after I got back home. So I'm all renewed up on everything!

There are quite a lot of people leaving Tindi, so there has been quite a bit of movement, I've managed to make it to number 3 in line for flying the Twin Otter, so if things continue in this way, I will be flying by summer at the latest. I can't wait, I think it's going to be a blast. There have now been three people behind me get positions flying the King Air, so that's a bit hard to take, but I think mostly I'm still happy with holding out. (Apologies to any non-flying people, but this is what we talk about alot!)

So really I should be studying IFR and get some Twin books and look at those I guess, then this will be me soon!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This is a soppy/feely post

You've been warned...

Something happened at work just before I went to Calgary that made me quite upset, even though I knew better. In the grand scheme of things, this was really very minor and got blown way out of proportion, I think. Anyway, in the "aftermath" after I got back, I realised again how many exceptional people I have in my life. So I got to spend some quality time with people who are good friends in Calgary and then come home to more of the same.

I really am very lucky and appreciate everyone's words/hugs/invitations to dinner etc! - you know who you are, here and "Down South"

Did I mention that I'm also exceedingly proud of the fact that Lisa is now Captain Lisa...

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled programming so I can go and fix my mascara!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The rest of my trip...

After flying on Sunday, Athenia and I met up with Jason and Lisa for lunch, we tried really hard not to talk about flying, but I think we still managed to scare Jason away! Then I spent the rest of the day studying (the backs of my eyelids!) Monday was another stunning clear day with two flights, one with Athenia and one without. Lisa and I had stayed up really late chatting the night before, so it was time for more "studying" and then off to Rob's house for supper. Note to self: next time Rob asks you what you want him to cook, think of something, otherwise he'll cook everything! It was a fantastic meal, a dinner party where you don't need any other entertainment because you spend the whole evening eating. I was having a good time and didn't want to leave, but such is life, I had to be sort of rested for my ride with Transport Canada the next morning. The ride was pretty non-eventful, so I am a newly renewed flight instructor. Sandy (Mike's mom) was on her way out to Vancouver island, so she stopped by to visit at the flying club. After lunch we headed home, there was just enough time left to have some coffee with Denis, who still seems to think that I'm moving back to Calgary soon. Then there was the airport, which is always the hard part, and now I'm home.

It was a super fun trip, I had such a good time seeing everyone and visiting my former self as a Calgarian. I also realised again that Calgary for now will be a great place to visit, but I like coming home too! Actually, it would be best if somehow this me and the me that lived in Calgary could somehow combine and I'd be able to see everyone all the time. If that makes any sense!

Thanks everyone who came out to see me. Pingcat, we'll have to try again on the next trip to have a coffee. Thanks Lisa and Jason for their hospitality and sleeping on the couch, and to Rob for cooking! I had a blast, and now it's your turn to come and visit me, but I don't mind if you all want to wait til it gets warmer!

There aren't any pictures to go with this post, I have to wait until I get some from Rob. And now I have to go back to studying, we are getting our flight attendant training renewed this weekend and Transport is going to be here too. But I think I hear Tim's calling my name...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Some things I did in Calgary so far

After I landed we went out for supper, then pretty much came home and went to bed. I didn't have any flights booked for Saturday, so I just went out to the Flying Club and picked up some paper work. I popped in to visit the Wills, the hour that I had there wasn't nearly enough time to catch up on everything, but they already had plans and then Barb is off to London tonight, so I probably won't see them again on this trip. The kids are really growing up, they gave me a hockey card of Ken, with stats on the back and everything. After I visited them, I went for dinner with Sean and Canagal, Rob, Lisa and Jason. After that everyone came back to Lisa and Jason's and we watched Jackass 2. It was actually pretty funny, but there was a serious gag factor to a couple of the stunts.

This morning I went for a flight with Athenia, it was really beautiful out, it was a nice drive to the airport with the sun rising behind me. On my first landing I flared really high, oh right, not sitting in the jumpseat of the Dash... Otherwise things didn't go too badly, but there is a little rust that needs knocking off!

Here are some pictures. Jenna was eating one of those candy necklaces, which is why she has white whiskers.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A big visitor

The pictures aren't that good because it was already dark, but we had a United Airlines 747 land here tonight right at the beginning of the evening rush, it had some sort of medical emergency. The airport doesn't have stairs tall enough to reach their door, so they used the ladder on one of the fire trucks to get the person. I've flown on a 747 quite a few times, even in the bubble once (I wish they still had discos up there!) They don't look that big beside all the other 747s, but this one tonight sure made our airport and the other planes on the ramp look small.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I am procrastinating

I'm trying really hard not to acknowledge the fact that the holidays are over, Mom and Dad are gone and things are back to normal. For that reason I hate taking the Christmas tree down, besides it was a really good one this year! As far as I know, there's only one other person who still might have her tree up, unless J made her take it down already. I think I will reward myslef with a snowmobile ride once it's done.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

What happened, where am I?

Well, the last few weeks have been a blur, it's already four days into 2007. I guess everyone is tired of seeing the curling rock at the top of my blog, but pictures will have to just wait a little longer until I gather myself towards myself! Mom and Dad left early this morning and are hopefully getting on a plane right now to get from Edmonton to Calgary and then on to Heathrow this evening. I decided not to take any time off work while they were here so that I could save up days off to visit them rather, and besides, we aren't supposed to be busy at this time of year, yeah right. Anyway, they got to come along on a flight and see what I do so that was good, (thanks Andrew and Sonya!) I think we did everything that they and I wanted to see/do, except for the museum, which was closed when we went. Also didn't really get to see the aurora much, it seemed to always be overcast. It was a good trip and really nice to have them here for Christmas.

Here are some C-mas pics quickly, I think my nieces only own pink clothes, so cute!