Day Four in BC

This day was the first day of learning to fly a seaplane, we had to get up quite early and take the dinghy across the harbour, which was fun because there wasn't anyone else around yet and the water was dead calm. Then it was about an hour's drive to Shawnigan Lake, stopping at the first Tim Hortons of course! I flew about 2.5 hours that day, so we were done by noon. Afterwards we drove back up through Nanaimo and went to Rathtrevor Beach. There are huge trees everywhere, I guess I've got used to the little puny ones we have around here. We sat at a picnic table and ate our lunch, then went and picked a spot on the beach. The beach is very flat and when we got there the tide was out so you had to walk a long way to actually get to the water. But when the tide started to come in, the water got to us very quickly, you could literally see it coming in and then the people way way out in the water were only up to their knees. There was a big group of kids that built a giant sprawling sandcastle, and it was very entertaining to watch them defend it against the water, all the parents came to watch too. They were trying so hard to stop it getting washed away that they even all lay down in a human wall! We also flew our kites a bit and then headed back home to have dinner with Sandy. I really enjoyed being on the beach again, just relaxing and having fun. I kind of miss the ocean. It was also quite weird to be getting a suntan and looking across the water to see snow on the mountains in the distance, you can see it on some of the peaks in the picture of Mike.
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