The Beach

I had this past weekend off, so we had planned to go canoeing on Sunday. Unfortunately we woke up to rain, which must have snuck in from somewhere because the weather people never said a word about it! Oh well, instead we slept in and had pancakes for breakfast with fresh blueberries, yum. Then we did some things around the house, by which time the weather had cleared and Steve called to say they were going to the beach, so off we went on our bikes. Yes, we have a beach in Yellowknife, with sand and everything. Connor wasn't so happy about getting his feet put in the water, but the rest of us had a swim, and we lay around a bit reading until we'd dried off. On the way home we saw this truck with a bunch of new Skidoos in crates. Later that evening we joined Steve, Michelle, Jack and Kim for dinner. Didn't get the canoe wet, but made the best of the day, I think.
I'm envious! It is a beautiful beach there and I would love to go for a swim! Instead, I am studying!
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