Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A trip to Ontario

Last Wednesday, we were booked to take some firefighters to Swan Hills in Alberta and come home, and another Dash was booked at the same time to go to Ontario. The weather radar on our plane wasn't working, so we took the working plane and combined both trips, dropped off the firefighters and then continued on to Thunder Bay. Arrived there in the middle of the night, slept for a bit and then started doing shuttles in the afternoon. We were taking people back to their community called Kashechewan, on James Bay, about a two hour flight. We did two trips that day, and one the next, then went to Timmins and flew three trips from there too. Then we went to Pickle Lake for the night, and from there it was a six hour flight home, glad we can stand up and walk around on the Dash! I found a Gameboy on the plane, so that kept me occupied too. It was a nice leisurely flight back, we had a beer or two after we got to the hotel and then just left whenever we woke up, didn't have to set an alarm or anything.
It was a bit of work, the people had soooo much stuff, we tried to fit it all in the plane but couldn't, next time we need to have a Twin Otter follow us around for the baggage, fitted with bigger engines so it can keep up! Also there were tons of kids on every flight, so the plane was just one big mess when we were done, spent three hours cleaning it after we got home - gum and chocolate everywhere, yuk. Some people had the weirdest things, there was a three foot tall Bride of Chucky doll, and another family had the entire Simpsons family in dolls that were bigger than the real kids! We had to sit them on top of a dog we had in a kennel (the Simpsons, not the kids), it was pretty funny looking. Poor dog too, it was so hot for him, he was very well behaved though. Actually, besides the mess in the plane, so were most of the chillens!
One poor little girl got stuck in the lav, Darryl rescued her and she walked back to her seat with tears streaming down her face, shame! Later I went to check on her and she flashed me a big front-teeth-missing smile, and then when she left the plane she proudly informed me she had been stuck in the toilet.
The pictures are of the plane in Thunder Bay and Timmins, and the guy sleeping is Darryl, he's one of our Dash maintenance guys, we always take one of them with when we go on long trips. We were so full on all our legs that we both had to sit in the flight attendant jump seats, not in the least bit comfortable at the best of times, least of all when it's smoking hot and right where you get a great whiff of the lav everytime someone goes! The last one is of Aaron, our first occifer in the back of the way cool ride we got to the motel in Pickle.
It was a fun trip, good for my paycheque too, about 7000 miles, plus I got to see some new places. Wonder what the Ontario government will have to fork out for that one?


Blogger Quodlibet said...

That sounds so fun! I want to go on a long trip! I havn't really been on one since winter. Oh well, there is always next winter! Where are the pictures??? I guess I can see them on SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:20 p.m.  
Blogger pingcat said...

Thanks for this.

At first I was worried, since there were so many days since your last submission, that quodlibet did not have you as well train as she had me. As usual, I see her influence has not diminished.

I look forward to more tales of your travels from the "Diamond Capital of North America"!

9:46 p.m.  

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