Caravan Captain
Take away three engines and about 35,000 lbs and you have my new ride at work. Even though it's a smaller plane, this is an upgrade because it's single pilot so I get to run the show. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's not! The Caravans are used mainly for sked flights and also charters, they are quite busy and my logbook is filling up quickly. It's getting dark earlier now and as soon as I get some night flights I'll meet all the requirements for an Airline license.
This is Training Captain Monica (you may remember her from a previous episode about our road trip) and I in Gameti during my line indoc, and then a picture of me starting up for my first flight in a looooong time all by myself! At some point Monica's ear seal leaked gel goop all down her neck, so she improvised with my empty peanut butter sandwich baggie. 'n Boer maak 'n plan! (Anybody got a good English equivalent for that?)